Bob’s House – Two Thumbs Up!

Yahoooo! Watch Amy Cohen Efron’s reaction after seeing the ‘sneak preview’ of the commercial done by PepsiCo/EnAble for the Super Bowl!

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PepsiCo’s workforce, EnAble created an unique and hilarious commercial specifically for the Super Bowl on February 3, 2008 and I watched this commercial featured at YouTube once it was released and announced via!

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I laughed!
I jumped up and down with joy!
I screamed!
I felt a huge sense of pride!

This is the first commercial based on my memory that uses our very famous joke from our beloved Deaf folklore/joke, and that is the PERFECT example why we should market ASL and Deaf Culture!

Wait! There is a link of an article written up about this commercial!

Hold it! I just learned that National Association for the Deaf was asked by PepsiCo to provide advice, feedback, and comments on this commercial. It is a very smart move for PepsiCo to contact an esteemed organization representing Deaf and Hard of Hearing Americans! I like how NAD is heading to support the value of American Sign Language now!

Thank you, PepsiCo, EnAble and NAD!

Read the press release from NAD

NAD’s press release

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58 comments on “Bob’s House – Two Thumbs Up!

Yessssssssss I agree! I can’t wait to see it on TV in two weeks! Pepsi and Enable – good job!!


Your’e a *H-U-G-E star! That was you who did talk about it in your vlog months ago!

Congrats! Hugs!

Cool and can’t wait to see it on national tv.
ASL Power!

Yeah! I am going out right now and buy a case of Pepsi! No more Cokes for me from now on!
Pepsi, you hit the spot!

YES!!! I agreed! I love this ad!! prefect!

Yeah, Big time..
I’m very happy and look forward this commercial within next couple wks.

Yahooo ’bout the time!

Me, too–thrilled and more power to us who use AMESLAN/ASL! Amy, your smile and accompanying energies are such a welcome to sore eyes that work 24/7! I just fell for your genuineness!
Thank you for sharing your enthusiasm on the SuperBowl ad by PepsiCO/EnAble.

BTW, keep vlogging–I appreciate your hard work and creativity! You’re a unique educator….

Never a dull moment!

Pah! What a great break to see this happening!!

I now worship Pepsi for allowing Enable to provide their input to expose about Deaf culture. Not only that they exhibit a well known Deaf joke but the actors in the car are Deaf themselves. So real!! *chuckling*

I am so curious how much will the hearing be able to get this Deaf joke!? Having no sound will surely get their attention in silence. What a clever way to market!

Way to go Amy, flashing your smile sharing this happy news! It is much sorely needed right now!


It’s time to show identify of Deaf culture!

This is a greatest day for the Deaf Community!

No more coke for me!

Great job…Amy!

That kind of Deaf always tell the joke about light.. You could not find which one house where he lives?

I laughed so hard and good so hearing people can watch the Pepsi commerical is PERFECT and FUNNY!

I am forward to see what the hearing people will react Super Bowls? Just wonder and keep eye on hearing people

[…] Big thanks to Amy Cohen Efron for posting this entry on her blog. […]

Very smart marketing. The sudden silence for 60 seconds will capture the hearing viewers quickly. What a terrific way to expose our language! Yayyy!

Very cool. Still sticking with Classic Coke thou. Hmm, another Deaf commercial needed? 🙂

PAH! Yes! It is our time now! ABC, did you give that joke to Pepsi? 🙂 🙂

i am excited that you are excited

hot damn
you should be an ambassador somewhere

Wow awesome!

I don’t watch super bowl… pffft.

What a waste. 😀

But not this AD, though!

I think it’s a wonderful way to expose ASL through humor that even hearing people would laugh! 😀

Kudos to the diversity practice!

Thanks for the heads up, Amy! 🙂

drmzz, coca cola is my 1# soda. 🙂 I am not giving up my coca cola for pepsi who made a great deal for ASL marketing! However, Pepsi has my FULL-supported!

I love this AD!!! That’s GREAT for us to show what Deaf people can do it! but too bad I am a COKE drinker myself sigh…

Anyway it’s GOOD start!


PAH!! Someone finally uses real Deaf characters in a TV commercial. It is about time, BUT, the SuperBowl kickoff will be at 6:30 p.m. (E.S.T.) Why would all the lights in the neighborhood be off at 6:30 p.m. (E.S.T.) To me, if I saw all the lights in the neighborhood were off, logically, it would be after midnight and everyone would be in bed. It doesn’t make sense. I am afraid this will be a disaster.

awesome commerical cant wait to see on Super Bowl eventho Im not fan of Pepsi….
Drinking Coke right now eh eh eh

Wish all of us can join this ad as Enable!! LOL. I also am very impressed with their respect for deaf world and make us very proud! Great Vlog and ur actions 🙂


LOL… loves that! way to go Pepsi/Enable! see that Dodge Ram!!

Wow!!! I am excited that is cool. Yes, keep ASL.
Thumbs up!!!
Thanks for sharing,
Bobby L.

thumb up !!!!! i cant wait to watch superbowl on tv i support new england for superbowl asl pride

sorry, I forget something so JohnABC did joke that JohnABC is Thumbs up.
Bobby L.

Coooooool! I cannnnnnnnot believe!
WoW! Five thumbs up! I am already

I feel flattered and honored that they asked NAD for ASL. Goose bumps! Victory for Deaf Culture and Deaf people!

Yes agree with you!! Pah for deaf pepsi commerical!! Move over CI!! Perfect for me because I am from New England. Go Patriots and their perfection record!! Yes, I just cant wait!!!

Thank you for great vlog

Thanks, Amy!! for sharing this with us…COOL!!!

That! That! 🙂

~ LaRonda

Wow, that’s something I really looking forward on Super Bowl now… Smile.. Many thanks

Short Laugh, BUT Where are more commeicals with ASL ?
Since Marlee Matlin did for her commerical about cat years ago until today. About Time !!!

Two Thumbs, Nah, My hands raise up and Waves!!!

PAH! Good marketing but need more!!! Im still sticking water! 😀

Agree that it is a totally cool ad and can’t wait to see it on TV!! It is about time and hope to see MORE of it in the future. Everyone should send an email to PepsiCo and let them know how much we appreciate their willingness to do this type of ad and we hope to see more of it. Here is the email address: Great job Amy, enjoy your post –spread the word!

ASL Power!!! Kudos to EnAble and PepsiCo!!!

That is real champ because it is PURE ASL joke!! Hearies do not use this kind of joke.

For your info, the commerical will be shown BEFORE the game! That is called “pre-game” commerical. The number of audience watching is not huge compared to DURING the game.

That is one step closer to “DURING” commerical. I hope that Bud will do the ASL commerical I am scared to see what they could come up with!

Way to go PepsiCo!!!

Before the game, Judge? Boo for the exposure to the larger audience…

But good for me because I don’t care for super bowl. 😀

However, I’d like to see it running again during the game! 😛

Maybe because of the cost factor?

NEAT!! It’s worth ASL market!

(Waving Hands!)

One more thing to add that millions people from over the world will watch that ASL commerical, this will be famous ASL!

Wow! Darren was my classmate at NTID/RIT 20+ years ago and we once worked together on homework. Kudos goes to him, Brian, Clay and Pepsi!

whoaaaaaaaaaa!! That what deaf culture with ASL is all about. My hat saluate to Enable and pespico company obviously will have drink pespi instead of coke!!! Congrats….. Keep it up! Long lively ASL!!!

Okay,it took me a while, but I finally saw this…So FUNNY!!! Really cool commercial! I think I need to steal this from you and post it too…I may have about fifteen Italian readers, but they will be the first fifteen Italians to see a commercial in ASL – revolutionary. Jodi

OH OH I laughed….
I do not watch football even superbowl…
Only I like good, funny AD….
I drank coke for years until few years ago
I changed to Pepsi because of better flavor…


It’s very exciting! I look forward to see it on Feb. 3rd! We, Deaf community, should THANK to PepsiCo for giving Deaf community chance to put big time ad on screen about Deaf culture on Super Bowl commercial.

Thank you!

Chris Lopez

For the record — and to correct the person who doubts darkness at 6:30 EDT, it is 5:55 as I am writing this and it is very, very dark here in Framingham, MA.

I, too, appreciate and congratulate Pepsi’s sponsorship and thoughtful use of the medium in which I worked for about half a century. But I, too, will stick with Coke (caffeine free).

My wife sent me this link at work today and asked me to watch. I was knocked out of my seat! No sound just sign and expression. My middle daughter is hearing impared (she will tell you I’m deaf…duh)and to see a comercial that she will actually be able to understand without reading is fantastic! Way to go PepsiCo! I hope this starts a trend and we see more commercials like this.

Gotta love Pepsi Cola !!!

I am wondering if anyone would have a collection of different commercials using American Sign Language? I remember several years ago (not sure how long maybe five or ten years ago??, there was a commercial from Nabiso Oreo cookies where they had a good number of Deaf children using ASL (adorable with cute small hands using ASL). How about the McDonald s commerical, where a Deaf guy asked out a Dea
f girl on a date to McDonald in ASL during the late 80s or early 90s?

The only very little teeny gripe I have is about Pepsi is .. it will only be shown once?? Yet, I will take what we can get if a billion of viewers will tune in for the pre game segments. Perhaps.. it will become one of the Superbowl classics commercials.. fingercrossing here .

Go Pepsi, NAD, and us Deaf and Superbowl viewers 🙂

Just saw it on TV, very funny. Kind of wierd to have a completely silent commercial, but it gets the point across

[…] Click here to view and enjoy! […]

[…] Click here to view and enjoy! […]

i think this great for deaf people but the problem is some country not understand the sign there not same sign around world

it was a awesome commerical!!!

While the commercial was humorous and Pepsi commercial helped boost ASL, the logic behind the story of this commercial made feel uneasy. First and foremost, for those who are Deaf or Heard of Hearing– we will know the importance of proper lighting in a home. The lights of the home would be on to start with. AND… isn’t everyone watching the SuperBowl? All of the lights would be on already too.

Since the original “motel room” joke involved darkness, it being late at night, the adaptation borrowed that central theme. If all the houses on the block had their lights on, the crux of the humor (noise forcing the hearing folks to turn their lights on, the Deaf resident unaware of the noise) would have been lost. So I consider it a bit of artistic license. Good point, though.

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