Wordgathering Journal Vol. 14, Issue 1 : March 2020

It is a great honor that two of my artworks are featured in one of the most prestigious disability-related literature and poetry journal, called Wordgathering!

Amy Cohen Efron successfully participated in Facebook’s De’VIA Central’s February Art Challenge. The motif on the third day of the challenge was SHADOW, representing something as hidden or as a message. Her photograph, Language First, created for the challenge, went viral on Facebook. Language First includes a visual metaphor for bilingualism, as highlighted in the accompanying image description. In 2020, Cohen Efron again participated in the art challenge. The SHADOW motif was re-introduced; in response, Cohen Efron created Overshadowed (please refer to accompanying image description). Again, the well-received art piece went viral on Facebook.

Wordgathering: A Journal of Disability Poetry and Literature (ISSN: 2690-7089) is a digital, Open Access journal of disability poetry, literature, and the arts. Submission and quarterly publication (March, June, September, and December) are free. Authors and other contributors retain copyright to their work. Effective Volume 14, Issue 2 (June 2020), work will be published here under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International license. This arrangement is made possible by generous support from the Office of Interdisciplinary Programs and Outreach at the Burton Blatt Institute (housed in the College of Law at Syracuse University) and the Syracuse University Libraries.

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