“But” – My Pet Peeve

Amy Cohen Efron shares her pet peeve about one most common used English word in our conversation.

It was posted on DeafVideo.TV and that video generated a high number of video comments.

I thought that I’d like to share that on my blog.

[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/VSXw4jNrv1c" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]
3:18 minutes long.

What is your pet peeve?

Amy Cohen Efron

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41 comments on ““But” – My Pet Peeve

I agree with you “AND” more challange than “BUT” I never like it all my life.
You are right that word “AND”.



I cannot agree with you more about ‘but’! It irks me when people say it to me.

Keep up posting great vlogs! 🙂

Response to Judge:


Will take your constructive criticism into a serious consideration.


what a terrible vlog but i loved it!





Love this topic!

I have 3 pet peeves. Will name one from each work, home and personal.

1). Work – when making phone calls to business office. Auto-answering machine came on, “You have reach our Department. Please press one if you want to ask about application. Press two for more information about… Press three if you know the ext. # Press 0 if you need to speak with operator. I press #1 then it comes up again with press options. Yikes! hate it!

2). Home – I may be insane but I dislike seeing my husband biting his fingernails and playing with broken nail in his mouth. So annoying but maybe not to some of you?

3). Personal – After putting on my fresh socks and my foot step on floor where the wet spot is. Would you feel the same way as I do? haha

Happy vlogging/blogging!

Hehe, I love this vlog. I do enjoy hearing about people’s pet peeves. BUUUUTTTT I didn’t realize this is one of them. Ooops, I use the word BUT… *stifle laugh*

I am sure I can’t wait to interview you one of these days.. You intruding me as the more I get to know you over the time thru livechat.

finally I can go across the railway…


Spoken like a true counselor! It is a word that I saw often with some clients and it is worthy of a gentle challenge whenever it comes up.
Another pet peeve is the word “failure” used by some teachers in consultations away from the classroom…i.e. the student failed to meet goals, failed to complete homework, etc. THAT tells me a lot about the teacher!


Hello Amy,

BUT AMY!!! (kidding). I tell you about that and I agree to what you said. One thing I alway say to both Deaf and hearing people that I’m sick of “but” as you are saying to no point or just soften the “blow” to make the statement. ugh!

I tend to say this….NO “BUT” or “IF” or “AND” or “Whatsoever to make the escuse!” Just do it!

Well….”AND” is another story here. Like you give an example tha the little girl is very smart but couldn’t read well. My reponses, “well, what are you going to do? feel sorry with no hope or what?” If you don’t want to make thing better, just fly a kite!

Well…umm…The little girl is failing AND we can help her in the best way as we know how to improve her education!

How’s that!

Judge, I’m trying to figure out what you are saying…Deaf tend to say “but” to make another point? postive way? I have watch Deaf person who said “BUT” and really mean like Amy said…no good to make the statement and they do really mean like “pointless to do.” Most of the time they don’t do anything postive after “but.” If you are saying that it just a “way” the Deaf use “BUT” for a good reason, I humble to say…I disagree.

Hope you can clear up to what you mean by using “but.”

Good discussion Amy!!

The Ponder Deaf Man

My pet peeve is when people use AND in ASL. As an person who have studied ASL and majored in it, “AND” is NOT part of ASL. It is English influenced sign, came from 70’s.

Amy, you have a good point of the sign BUT. Just don’t use AND in place of that. There are plenty other ways like saying “PLUS” or using constrastive structure (signing on one side then when you move to other side), etc.

Amy, I, too, detest this term, “but”

Dianrez, ditto! I have never believed in grading any student. I believe that students would learn much better if the grading policy would be abolished. Students love to stay in the classroom at a private school much longer, absorbing everything as possible as they can. They would feel no sense of intimidation as long as teachers do not grade them. It is a small wonder that more and more private schools are founded every year.

I am sorry to be blunt but you need to respect the important role of the word “but” in our communication.

Someone said that seeing the differences between two things is one of the beginnings of understanding. When a teacher explains how two things differ, he or she will use the word “but” such as “This one is hard but the other one is soft.” when comparing diamond and pillow.

The person that you talked about was trying to tell you that even though the kid is smart, there is a difference between him and other smart kids. The purpose of telling you the difference is simply to make you aware of it.

The word “but” empowers us to acknowledge the pros and cons on a topic. When you use the word “but”, you are telling people that you acknowledge the differences and thereby, are open to the differences.

There are many synonyms for the word “but” such as “nevertheless”, “yet”, “still”, “however”, “notwithstanding”, “howbeit”, “though”, “except”, “otherwise”, and many more words. If you want to reduce the frequency of the word “but”, you need to reduce the frequency of these synonyms as well.

But, like everything else, words including the word “but” can be easily misused. An example is that people sometimes use the word “but” to make excuses. The fault is not in the word “but” but how it is used. You may groan at the word “but” that I use at the beginning of this paragraph. The purpose is not to aggravate you but to acknowledge that there is other side to the issue.

From a “but”-er,

Joseph Pietro Riolo

Public domain notice: I put all of my expressions in this post in the public domain.

I guess my ASL isn’t good enough to understand what was bad about it?

My pet peeve is “And”, in interviews, and especialy with interpreters,(like one famous Actress has). I hear “and”, where it really seems to be the start of a different sentence.

It’s hard to know when to put the periods in for the end of sentences. “And” I know that they are not signing “and”.


The word “but” but but but = (Excuse) ….. that is looking for excuse. nah bad picture!

Maybe better word to say “However” that is more help in detail with positive way goes other way around.

Yes I agree with you in negative way to say many time “but”




Completed agreed with you 110%….good discussion and hope more people watch your VLOG AND open new thinking and perceptions in our community AND we will always continue our advcoacy work AND work together to stop it. Love watching your VLOG AND you rock!




I hate when some deaf people stop and signing in the middle of doorway, blocking other people coming in and out. Sometimes, I want to shout in sign, “If you wanna chat, MOVE IT SOMEWHERE ELSE, not in @#$% doorway!”

But I had to say it in nice way. Shoot, I said that word.


Amy darlink……

Welllllllllll ok you got your point AND *was going to say but* i will keep that in mind …. sooooooooooo you did well …. now can i say BUT *running away*



Hey Amy,
I enjoyed looking at your vlog. Thumbs up.
I understand your point, BUT I have to disagree.

There are many times that we use the word “but” and it’s not always negative. For example, “that house is small, but it’s in a nice area of town” or “my new car is small, but gets great gas mileage.”

“But” splits a sentence into two parts and shows a disagreement between the two segments. It doesn’t always necessarily mean something negative (just different). For me, it just shows a difference.

Bobby L

Amen to that, Amy!
Also hate the word “can’t”!
Have a great day AND don’t overdo it 🙂
Cheers from the Pike’s Peak Region in CO!

Hello BUT HI, just kidding ! !

Well, Seems ” But ” really annoy you . I admit I never notice that. Now I will watch deaf people signing for fun.

Everyone has personal habit ! ! Always all people have some kind of pet peeves ! !

My pet peeves (2) are some deaf people do not tip and deaf people are standing in middle where heavy traffic like in doorway or hallway or in the middle huge opening area.

Thanks for your vlog. Hands waving ! ! !

Amy, I agree with you 100%. Yes I am sick of people hearsay “BUT”. I often saying. Only one problem is (why and specifically the problem with child)

Pull the student’s self esteem need to became more postive or communicate better with carefully right english.

Hand Waving!

Deaf Pixie ( Margaret)

P.S.Other person have a blogs from outside same as my blog from DR. Have not soulation with the person,yet

I totally agree with you and I never thought that it does make the difference in the sentence. My ONE pet peeve word is LATER (I will do it later – I meant to do it now), when I ask my son or husband to help me with something – all they say is LATER! OYYY!

YES! That’s so true! Another pet peeve of mine is to repeat, ugh! It gets so tiring and boring to be repeat, LOL!

My pet peeve is fart fumes. I hate walking unaware into a fart fume. At least hearing people can hear the butt raspberry and be warned. In the deaf community they know they can fart and move to another spot so the finger can’t be pointed at them, then I walk into it. Hold your farts or say excuse me!!!


Hello Amy,

You are a great instruction.

Your RIGHT but your a CHAMP oh my bad Your right and your a CHAMP ehheh (smile) HH


hi I wholly agree with you. My Students tend to use the word BUT BUT BUT….. pretty often, I hate that. thks for the tip..:) Amy KH

You are bravo to speak out.. My pet peeve is BUSY. I cannot stand people saying busy. I always tell them back that Jesus never says “I am busy.”

Thanks a lot. Marie

You are like so many other deaf people I know. You are mad at the world for being deaf. It shows in your attitude as you speak. Life is what you make it! Try a little less self pity! BUT, that’s your choice.

My pet peeves, when someone say “sorry i’m busy” when they are not lol. when someone block traffic in hallway chatting so u can’t get through, But is one of them too it like excuses. when i am walking on the street, someone comes up, askes me a question but i did not understand what he or she said so i asked her or him to please repeat the question, they say “oh sorry” then just take off on me cuz i was deaf but i was also using my hearing aid too. also when i say ”i can’t hear” then some people say, “oh i soo sorry”. Some people just don’t understand us deafies, like how to converse with deaf people like using paper and pen or just simply repeating what they just said. other pet peeve, on tv, we use closed caption to understand what people are saying. on tv shows, if the tv guide said that show was suppose to have or normally have closed caption, i turn on the show and theres no closed caption at all or the captioning are all messed up with wording, so i have to miss the whole program just because of that. also when u buy/rent dvd movies, it said it would have closed caption on it but when i go to watch it, there are none. sometimes when u ask someone to repeat something by voice, they either speak loudly, slowly, more quiet or babyish. we are asking them to simply repeat words not change tone of voice. other thing is, when u tell people your deaf, then they assume things like, “oh you can’t drive?” or other foolish things. I am like, hey deaf people can do everything, only thing we can’t do is hear. also i don’t like it when deaf people are called “hearing impaired”, we should just be called “deaf” or hard of hearing

Amy, Well said! I agree with your comment and it makes sense. I got your video message of “Pet Peeve” via one of my American friends and I perfectly understand your ASL as I live in England.

There is an example, “I am deaf but I can use the normal phone with my own hearing aids”. This is something I disagree with that because deaf means deaf and should not be able to hear the phone in normal way. It should be used “Hard of Hearing or even Hard of Deaf” !!!

I totally agree with what Martin Bogard said and I want to add that ASL usually don’t use But or And which is English influenced for polite or politically correct instead of pointing like ASL does. I know I never use but or and in ASL but I noticed that I had to use these signs with hearing people or Deaf people with strong influenced englishzed ASL. As for English speaking or written we are learned to write in English as second language. Well written English itself is vague complicated as well as ASL is simple and clear.

Love the vlogs between you and Judge!

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