Entralling Photoshop Art

I did some googling and found several images which I find them entralling, mesmerizing, and interesting…

Do you find them interesting too?

Amy Cohen Efron

P.S. These images are from various websites, and I DID NOT create them.

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2 comments on “Entralling Photoshop Art

Creepy is kind of right words.. but Good to use it for deaf’s eye sharp is perfect. My hubby say Cool !! Love this one is Ear and Yelling at the ears by hand. Forgot about being deaf?

Creepy is kind of right words.. but Good to use it for deaf’s eye sharp is perfect. My hubby say Cool !! Love this one is Ear and Yelling at the ears by hand. Forgot about being deaf?

Far out.. it was not that bad… Perfect for lip with a eye to stop lipread, etc.


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