AG Bell Belittles Nyle DiMarco


History repeats itself.

1966, 1995, 2008 and today, April 1, 2016.

It is not April’s Fools Joke.  It is real.

It all started on March 28, 2016 when Washington Post published an article about Nyle DiMarco. As you may already know that Nyle DiMarco is THE big thing right now. The Deaf Community are so THRILLED about him!


This article explains about Nyle DiMarco’s role with the LEAD-K as their spokesperson, and his establishment of the Nyle DiMarco Foundation, the main goal of which is to improve Deaf infants’ access to sign language education.

Few days later, on April 1, 2016 at 10:21 am, AG Bell posted their open letter.

Here is the screen capture of the website: AG Bell Response to Washington Post

AG Bell belittles Nyle DiMarco and the Deaf Community.

That was not the first time. It was done so many times. It happened in 1966.

Again in 1995,

and 2008.

In 1966, AG Bell’s Executive Director, George Fellendorf sent a telegram to NBC preventing “NBC Experiment in Television” to showcase National Theater of the Deaf for the first time on prime time!

Please visit the link I wrote on March 3, 2008.

In 1995, a “group” started a letter campaign against The Smithsonian Institution to have an exhibition about Deaf people and Deaf community. Jean Linquist Bergey wrote an article, “Life and Deaf” : Language and the Myth of “Balance” in Public History in a journal, Sign Language Studies, v8 n4 p330-347 Summer 2008.

An exhibition about Deaf life began its national tour, but not before finding itself in the eye of cultural storm on what it means to be deaf. This article by Jean Lindquist Bergey chronicles that storm, detailing an organized campaign to refocus the exhibition’s concept from community and toward something entirely different, a focus on pathology and remediation.


Bergey and Jack Gannon presented the intent of the project that focuses to be visual, not auditory; presented from a Deaf perspective; accessible for all people; representative of Deaf lives from all over the United States; and as much as possible, present the history of Deaf community.

One reviewer, who read this draft of the intent, strongly objected to a cultural-linguistic focus and insisted that equal time and space should be given to oral deaf people.

In October 1995, a campaign was initiated to persuade the Smithsonian to change the scope of the exhibition, and a specific member send a letter to organizations and oral schools warning about the direction the project was taking and encouraging a letter-writing campaign.

Over 270 letters of concern were sent, most to the Smithsonian and these letters offers a glimpse into the thinking of those who see American Sign Language as a threat to normalcy.

Examples of letters that was sent to Smithsonian include images of children with phrases such as:


“I am deaf – but I listen and speak. I don’t use sign. Change your exhibit to include me.”

“Please remember those of us who have chosen to be aural and oral – we are part of the history and the future”

“Please stop the myth that the deaf are mute and dependent on deaf culture to thrive.”

There are some letters that comes with threats to remove financial support, and some were sent to members of Congress and to the Secretary of the Smithsonian, requesting their intervention.

Former Executive Director of National Association of the Deaf, Nancy Bloch sent a letter to the Smithsonian Institution stating,

“I ask you not allow those who have traditionally tried to oppress our cultural community to dictate the nature and content of the exhibition story. I doubt that the National Museum of American History would allow any cultural community to be defined by its oppressors rather than the community members. I ask that the deaf cultural community be given the same consideration and respect.”

The campaign against the exhibit had an important immediate negative financial effect. Smithsonian colleagues explained that now Gallaudet would have to raise the balance of money for the exhibition’s expenses without assistance from the Smithsonian or a commitment to host the exhibition. There were some changes of the intent, with an emphasis of “experiences of the community”, and thus the title of the exhibition became “History through DEAF EYES”.

This exhibition was on display at Smithsonian Institution from May through September 2002, and traveled 12 cities. 415,000 people visited the exhibition.


This exhibition inspired a documentary film, Through Deaf Eyes, produced by WETA Television and it was broadcasted nationally in March 2007.

Bergey summarizes that this episode in history shows us how values are slow to change and how rhetoric is still used to suppress the Deaf cultural linguistic community and deny the wisdom of Deaf leadership.

That journal was published in summer 2008 that was after what AG Bell did earlier in that year.

In January 2008, the infamous Pepsi Letter from Karen Youdelman, President of AG Bell writes on the website after the commercial, “The Bob’s House” produced by Pepsi Co and EnAble for Super Bowl!

January 31, 2008
Ms. Julie Hamp Senior Vice President
PepsiCo Communications
700 Anderson Hill Road Purchase, NY 10577

Dear. Ms. Hamp,

On behalf of the Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (AG Bell), we are writing in regards to the airing of your upcoming Super Bowl commercial highlighting deaf characters. Established in 1890, AG Bell is the only national organization dedicated to supporting children and adults who are deaf or hard of hearing who use spoken language and hearing technology to communicate in mainstream society.

Although we appreciate Pepsi’s efforts to encourage new promotional ideas from your rank-and-file employees and your willingness to celebrate diversity, we would be remiss if we did not call your attention to the fact that your advertisement offers a limited view of the deaf community. Since you have chosen the Super Bowl as the forum to launch this campaign, and because of Pepsi’s size and stature, we feel a responsibility to offer our perspective on this somewhat misleading stereotype presented in your advertisement.

We trust you understand that deaf and hard of hearing individuals are a diverse group and therefore do not fit into a single, distinct culture. Your advertisement perpetuates a common myth that all people who are deaf can only communicate using sign language and are, therefore, isolated from the rest of society. In fact, today’s hearing technology, coupled with early screening identification and intervention, has led to incredible advances in listening and spoken language skill development. Of the more than 30 million Americans who live with hearing loss, the majority use spoken language as their primary mode of communication.

We would also like to remind you that with the amount of money Pepsi will spend on just one 60 second spot to air during the Super Bowl, you could help an untold number of families obtain hearing aids and other professional services that are costly and in many cases not covered by medical insurance. We would be very willing to work with Pepsi to develop some creative ideas to promote other facets of the deaf community and to highlight positive role models who have met the challenges of this condition and thrived using spoken language. In addition, we invite and encourage your participation at our 2008 convention to be held in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, June 27-30; the largest gathering of families with deaf and hard of hearing children in the world.

Your continued involvement in this issue would go a long way to educate the public about this oftentimes invisible condition and promote appreciation for those individuals that go above and beyond to overcome the absence of something many of us take for granted – the miracle of sound.

Karen Youdelman, Ed.D.

As you can see how AG Bell continues to belittle our efforts to display American Sign Language to the public through media.

History repeats itself.

AG Bell – F**K OFF.








Amy Cohen Efron

UPDATE as of 7:06 PM  We the Deaf People (WTDP) organization wrote a public statement about this issue.


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68 comments on “AG Bell Belittles Nyle DiMarco

Seriously, this is so disgusting. Why can’t they just congratulate Nyle for his great accomplishments, and support those who use ASL exclusively (or not)?

I really don’t get it. They obviously feel threatened here, so they just had to “speak out” (pardon the pun).

ASL is just beyond their capacity…they don’t have the ability to really look at the merits of using ASL, all they can see is the “worst of worst” – extreme cases of “deaf-mutes” being extremely isolated…and they use that for their fear-mongering. Shame, really.

Some of the most brilliant folks I’ve ever met are those who are native ASL users. It’s mind-boggling how they make language three-dimensional…and paint such vivid expressions that could never be captured through speaking/listening alone. ASL is a champ tool, period – and it benefits EVERYBODY.

AG Bell is a hate group against the Deaf/HOH. Unfortunately, too many people haven’t realize that. AG Bell has done lot of harms toward to the Deaf community. AG Bell organization need to get shut down period.

I agree with JT, Amy Cohen Efron and Nyle. #ASLstrong We have been oppressed for too long. We are being viewed as a weak minority and we need to remain (ASL) strong for our Deaf communities.

Myles can file lawsuit for label / slander his name trademark

i an amazed how AG Bell had belittled the deaf people regardless of using ASL or oralism. They should be proud that Deaf people can achieve anything except hear. I had went to public schools and private oral school before my parents put me in deaf school using ASL. I improved greatly in Vocabulary. Listening through lipreading is exhaustive and you can gain only small percentage of comprehension what the speaker may be saying. All the Deaf people who went to that private oral school which no longer exists sign.

I hope the more ruckus and noise AGB makes, the more we come together and make ourselves heard. They are threatened because Nyle has a great opportunity to show the world what truly works. If some people wish to use voice– fine but to go out and slander ASL as a way of promoting oral only is demeaning and disrespectful. I hope Nyle has an opportunity to visit the White House and make an impact. It’s time—Milan days are OVER! We should NO longer be oppressed and restrained or restricted. That’s denying our human rights!

Shame on you AG Bell!!. How would you feel someone betlittled you and discriminate you ? It is time We all Stand for the “Deaf Power!” We all have the right to access and to be treated rightly and with respect!!!

Nyle is a perfect Deaf role model. AGB is envy of him and our Deaf Community.
How sad of AGB want to be so cruel, evil, and such so selfish!
This time We need to beliittle AGB. It is time to stomp AGB!
Nyle, keep rolling!

Nyle DiMarco is a perfect DEAF ROLE MODEL for the deaf community!! We need to put a STOP on AGB!

May 4 is very important day for deaf Community! National Deaf Rally at every state capitol
Go check Deaf Grassroots Movement on fb page.
There’s rally to help deaf fight for our right such as better education, better job opportunity and many mores!
Come and support us!

SPLC Southern Poverty Law Center should add AG Bell on their hate group listings.

AGBell ever complained about our success within videophone ( VP) use! They said not not not fair!! What?? They insisted the captioned phone of the Deaf to be available free!

We didn’t object to the use of captioned phone of the deaf giveaway prigrams at all.

AGBell are the real locusts!

Amy, many thanks for publishing this. Exposing AGB’s underhand and dagger-cloak tactics is an important work.

HIA 1980
The Hearing Industries Association (HIA) is the international trade association of Global Device Manufacturers Its membership-companies produce 85% of hearing devices worldwide. HIA’s ongoing government relations are critical to inclusion of provisions in the US Affordable Care Act of 2010 and further alterations to health insurance legislature. These exemptions & inclusions save $100’s of millions annually for the hearing aid industry.

The HIA is fully administrated by Bostrom Inc. in close collaboration with AGBELL & ASHA. The ‘Better Hearing Institute’ website and the frequent hosting of AGBELL conferences are just two of their device-focused promotional vehicles. Bostrom’s top executives include ASHA members and the Executive Director of the Illinois Speech-Language Association.

The Alexander Graham Bell Association was founded as the ‘American Association to Promote the Teaching of Speech to the Deaf’. It follows firm publishing policies that disallow any reference to sign language.

AGBELL promotes device-usage to families and public service professionals via themed conventions in collaboration with the Walt Disney Corporation. In it’s other role, it coordinates international alliances between device-manufacturers & distributors; institutions & associations; policy-makers; and government administrators.

A consortium of the Device Manufacturers who join this anonymous membership category by making donations to AGBELL over $300,000.

ASHA 1925 ~ “Because of mutual interests in preferred practices and public policy matters ASHA and AG Bell have an ongoing reciprocal agreement”
Founded as the American Academy of Speech Correction. Their mission is to “empower and support speech-language pathologists & audiologists”.
But their 2014 ‘Policy Agenda’ focuses entirely on funding device distribution:
Medicare Reimbursement and Coverage Policies
Reauthorization of Federal Education Legislation
Funding and Practice Issues for School-Based Services
Private Health Plans Reimbursement and Coverage Policies

I will be more than satisfied if AG Bell is shut down and take a hard look at deaf community that ASL is very important for deaf to communicate. AG Bell needed to be educated about ASL , so one day AGBell will realize that ASL is the best thing ever happen to many deaf communities across America.

I don’t see where anyone was belittled or were any lies were told.

Hi Miss Kat’s Mom,

Here’s a cup of sugar. Been a long time.

How is weather?

Oh… of course… there are lies been told. Belittling is there. The letter glorifies Nyle’s accomplishment, and there is always a but coming, by telling us that ASL is in decline. That is belittling all of his efforts to provide American Sign Language instruction to Deaf babies. Ms. Sugar claimed that there is no need for that. You provided ASL to your child, and that is the foundation. Your child succeeded with speaking and listening skills, with a strong language foundation. You helped that part. I know.

Lies – defuted by a reputed Clinical Neurologist, Dr. Peter C. Hauser with sources available.

Hi Amy,

Excellent article! Thank you!

We the deaf peoples can’t HEAR ur OWN VOICES PERIOD!








We the deaf peoples can’t HEAR ur OWN VOICES PERIOD!








Here’s my two cents. I think our community should ignore AGBELL and continue to educate folks about the benefits of ASL to the community at large including K-12 and before and beyond.. . WE must as a unified community continue to fight to preserve deaf schools, continue to share the beautiful language and culture with those who want to learn and appreciate the language and culture of American Sign Language. The more we are successful at educating folks, the less ammunition organizations such as AGBELL will have in belittling our community. Ante up the outreach, am proud of the work that many are doing LEAD-K, Amy Cohen Effron, Sheena McFeeley, and many many more..


[…] ADDED: important blog by Amy Cohen Efron examining AG Bell’s history of having a fit any time ASL and the Deaf-world is shown in a popular light to the greater public AG Bell Belittles Nyle DiMarco […]

Nyle DiMarco is a major milestone in the deaf community and pacing on the right track. AGBell should congratulate his success instead of belittle. Shame on you AGBell. ASL should be used 90% of academic in the classroom and 10% listening and speech. This would help create diversity in both world hearing and deaf instead of isolating the society of the hearing world. We are rooting for Nyle all the way to the finished line. Nyle will always be in the spotlight for another 10 years and beyond. Don’t let AGBell stop us from achieving this milestones.

Another lie?

I have read the letter and it is misleading as well. It is quoting research on Deaf families of Deaf children.

I don’t see a single lie in the AG Bell letter either. ASL use by deaf children is declining. That is a statistical fact.

Yes, my child used ASL. There was no other option for her. She did not have access to spoken language. Was it all positive? Absolutely not.

It is sad that AGBell is so tone-deaf to understand the value of ASL for Deaf children and hearing parents.

Perhaps you can cite your sources showing that there is a decline in ASL users? Given the explosion of courses, books, DVDs, etc, all offering tips on picking up ASL, I find that hard to believe. Yes, more children are mainstreamed than over…but that does not necessarily mean that there has been a decline in ASL use itself.

And AGB specifically said that using ASL will hinder acquisition of speaking and listening skills. That is absolutely not true. Look up Peter Hauser’s recent post disputing this (with cited sources).

And if you will just look at the whole tone of their letter, it clearly contradicts with their position statement on the use of ASL (released a few years ago).

The letter itself the source of the statement. I have read many articles that say up to 90% of families are choosing listening and spoken language, which is up from the about 50% that were doing it in the 80’s.

Miss Kat —

AG Bell is f**king hypocrite. Marlee Matlin was involved Dancing With The Stars in season #6. She did wear hearing aids, talk and sign language during the TV live. AG Bell stayed in quiet. AG Bell applauded Heather Whitestone, (Miss America), Lou Ferrigno (an actor in “Hulk” TV series), Derrick Coleman (a Seattle Seahawk football player) and Sara Churman (the famous cry woman who received an esteem implant in the youtube) who broke through the barriers. How selfish are they?!?!? They want more! Many people were very impressed the way Nyle, who did not wear his hearing aids, handled the music with his partner in crime! AG Bell is angry because many people are intriguing at Nyle’s personality and public figure. That is because he’s hot and does not need his hearing aids while dancing. Very impressive, huh? F**k off, AG Bell. Get it, Miss Kat? Reality Check!

[…] Deaf World as Eye See It » Blog Archive » AG Bell Belittles Nyle DiMarco […]

[…] by Amy Cohen Efron « AG Bell Belittles Nyle DiMarco […]

Did you know that Darren was a passenger in a truck for Bob’s House Pepsi SuperBowl? He was a former Clarke School for the Deaf (oral deaf school) student. He shared his beautiful language (ASL) and Deaf Culture.

They are specifically commenting on the idea that children who do not use ASL are being “deprived of their natural language”. THAT is why they didn’t comment on those other situations.

Miss Kat’s Mom,

Are you working with us to make sure that Deaf infants/toddlers have an access to ASL instruction, including families at the earliest possible after the infant’s hearing loss is detected? Is that what you hoped to see to happen?


I am working to make sure that families are well informed of all the language choices and communication options that are available for their child. Once the family has made a decision, I point them in the direction of professionals who will make sure they can learn it and have access to the best services possible. I then support the family in that choice, no matter what it is.

Hey AGB! You think you are doing a wonderful job in perfecting a human’s ears. But truth is that your actions and intentions are just like a communist, trying to change them like the movie “the giver”. Numb them and deny them of the beautiful culture and language. I am so thankful for my mother’s choice is to give me American Sign Language which I have bloomed into a well rounded person. I have a wonderful husband who is hearing and use sign language as a primary language, given me with 4 beautiful children who also have the deep love for American Sign Language. AGB, do not you ever dare to belittle and take them away from anyone who were blessed with beautiful culture and language.

Ive been reading the responses and refutation by Miss Kat’s Mom. I am wondering why it takes a hearing person who is not Deaf, has never experienced being Deaf, speak for her Deaf daughter?! Really, AGBell are all hearing professionals who are deciding what is best for Deaf people. Typical of oppressor groups. Miss Kat’s Mom had no business discussing what is best as you do not walk in our shoes. AGBell has the money and vested interest in making money off Deaf babies and innocent parents using scare tactics and such. ASL has a rightful place as the language of the Deaf designed for visual learners. Speech and hearing is not a language but a communicstion tool. We are not saying a Deaf child should not learn to speak and listen but it should not exclude ASL as the foundation of language which AGBell promotes. They are not linguistic experts. Theyre just supporting their professions but its detrimental to the Deaf babies and people!!!

I do have business talking about what works for my child and her life. I cannot and do not speak for others, but I can share what has worked for our family.

And while I have not walked in your shoes, you certainly have never walked in my child’s either.

OMG, this is nonsense! Shame on you AGBell! The whole world acknowledge “I love you” sign and so should AGBell. Praise the Deaf who use sign languages around the world. We won’t ever let AGBell dismay our precious ASL.. OMG ..this is sad! I as a deaf fella who have been rejected by the so called “orally” society because of this nonsense stupid “political corrections”! Our ASL is in jeopardy, thanks for nothing!

forgive me, for being somewhat frank, but what makes you think you can speak for your child? Yes, you can observe the effects of your decision – and even determine whether your actions have been “successful” (by your own standards) – but you cannot speak for your deaf child.

My own parents gave me a “bit of everything” while I was growing up. Good for them. I love them very much and all that, but never once did they ever walk in my shoes. I would never presume to do the same for my own children.

I SHUDDER at the thought of how my life could have been different. Common Sense is not common, I see. I am Deaf and a proud NCSD alumae. I teach Linguistics, Comparative Cultures, and ASL classes at a local college. My students are non-Deaf yet I get one or two “hearing-impaired students” every semester (IEP teams across the country labels students with hearing loss “hearing impaired”) who just came out of public schools. The big difference between those who received their education within a Deaf Program (be it a Deaf school or a Deaf Program in the Public School System using American Sign Language) and those who were isolated in public school is CONFIDENCE. It never escapes my attention to see how “hearing impaired students” in my classes are socially awkward. And every single time I see them struggling to fit in, I cringe. When will the non-Deaf community understand that THERE IS MORE TO LIFE THAN SPEECH?

I was born Deaf with 90 DB to two hearing parents. I learned to speak and achieve the ability to speak so well that the oral school used me to demonstrate my speech to many people(parents) and donors. I was stigmatized to be proud of myself and learned that those Deaf people uses sign language were limited in their intelligence. My parents enrolled me to a college, Gallaudet, knowing that I lost interest in education due to hardship of reading lips and communicating naturally with hearing people. I thought that the hardship was normal and worked my way around it. When I arrived Gallaudet University, I learned American Sign Language because I thought is was a adventure fun to learn some signs but didn’t realize that it was a genuine language. As I continuing to learn American Sign Language with desire to achieve the level to communicate like other Deaf students on campus, I realized that I finally became a “normal person” with the ability to have the NORMAL INTERACTION COMMUNICATION SKILLS without any difficultly to understand a normal conversation with another person that knows ASL. This is an experience that AGBell will never want to know. I have befriended many Deaf students having the same experience as I have. I asked my parents when I came home for Christmas from Gallaudet University, why didn’t we learn sign language when I was a young child, my parents said, “They told us not to learn or teach sign language”. Now, I am glad that I learned American Sign Language because I have a Deaf wife and two Deaf children which gave me four bright Deaf grandchildren.
I am very fortunate to be bilingual, ASL and English.
The success is having NORMAL INTERACTION COMMUNICATION SKILLS, not just speech.

Miss Kat’s Mom – some day may you be brave enough to at least go by your own name instead of your daughters – even initials would be better than u using your Deaf daughter’s name as your own identity

anyways – the burden of “PROVE IT” is on the AG Bell association and you. they espouse a bunch of claims but do not cite sources – bring it on darlin’ so we can see the N of less than 10 and that they are “studies” financed by CI corporations

aint it so interesting how the AG Bell association totally NEGLECTS the American Academy of Pediatrics position of how ASL is GOOD for Deaf infants and children and how Bilingual brains are beautiful. im sure you saw the write up by AG Bell’s president lashing out against a much more reputable academy like the AAP having a position contrary to AG Bell’s bogus and bigoted “academy”.

yes i used the word bigoted cuz we should call it what it is Miss Kat’s Mom
because afterall its 2016 and prejudice against Deaf folks who do not speak or listen is totally UNCOOL. and there are still many out there and there will be more because – Deaf children grow up and just as Miss Kat tried to break her CI some Deaf adults grow up and say “ya know – im tried of this thing or these things” and they stop “putting on their ears”
and that is what really scares ya
no worries – i think miss kat is probably thoroughly convinced that she can not function without her artificial ears and wont be going that way but there will be many who do as there always has been cuz sooner or later we grow up

and even those who use their CIs and speak–plenty – they still gravitate to the Deaf-world and ASL

no harm comes to Deaf children who are given ASL as infants and toddlers but great harm has come to those who have been denied it

truth being told

peace – patti

Omg, those minions at AGB are Deaf inpaired. ASL is our language and English, 2nd language.

It was not easy growing up with a different family especially I was adopted from San Jose, Costa Rica. Communication is the KEY! Many of us who are deaf, deaf-bkind or hard of hearing are being left out with no family around them communicate. Alot the deaf and hard of hearing are being left behind or left out. I was in a gymnastic competiton in Geirgia. The only deaf ever break a leg with such extraordinary of hard work that I love. Yes, there were alot discrimation because no there were no interpreter provide in sports, job, acting career. We as a deaf have to work harder twice as much then a hearing world. In 2010, I became an Actress to break a leg for the first time as a spainsh Actress was with “Under The Dome” movie with CBS TV Show. I have been very successfully with my acting career job. I truly am thankful for my agents in North Carolina, “The Workshop Actor Group” and others who has support me in a great deal in Atlanta, Ga. I have done serveral Theater with the deaf and hearing actors, done filming, commerical, and model without no support as far I have all by myself. It is important to show Deaf, hard of Hearing of a good Role Model to reach other Deaf Community. Deaf can do anything! I am very proud who I am today as a Deaf Actress. I love my job. I teach ASL American Sign Language to help hearing people to understand ASL is very important to our languages and to educated hearing people to understand the Deaf Cultures because I was raise with hearing family who has never learened ASL Sign Languages. The languages it self are very limit in the Deaf Community because some of us did not learn to read or write. Other deaf should help other deaf person to grow, learn, understand our limit of communication skills. We must learn to help others becasue all the deaf have all types of communication limit skills. Reach out others, Example of a good Role Models who are a Deaf Artists, Deaf Actor, Deaf Actress, Deaf Models, who successfully their goals. We needs to be exposure our our work and so that Deaf and Hard of Hearing and Deaf Blind can do anything! to share our experience to accimplish our hard work. Deaf , Hard of Hearing , Hearing impaired and Deaf-Blind students, parents and as an Deaf Artist. We are struggling because ofvtge “Barrier of Communications” need. Thankyou, ActressModel Ellen R.

I just read the comments.

We have to remember that the hearing parents make the decisions on how to raise their deaf children and once seeing the success… small and big… they are convinced they have made the best decisions. Usually at the end, it’s up to deaf children who decide on how to live their own lives once they become adults. From my experiences and my observations, OFTEN the majority of oral deaf young adults take up sign language, making it as their primary language. I have a daughter, Bellamy who is currently a student at NTID/RIT (she started at Gallaudet, then transferred to RIT to get all the necessary tools for her transgender transition and will transfer back to Gallaudet in the upcoming fall) says that often the oral students go through the culture shock, showing resistance and scorn toward the deaf students who grew up using ASL before they realize that ASL open up the world and that ASL users are as smart or smarter… and then they’d finally accept their being Deaf. So it’s more of an issue for the interpreters who end up using SimCom a lot in the classes, unfair to ASL users (one of the reasons why Bellamy is transferring back to Gallaudet.)

In other words, the MAJORITY of oral CI-using young adults end up using ASL. Hence it’s best that the hearing parents incorporate ASL into the AVT (auditory verbal training) so that once the children become adults, they’d not have to go through the inner conflicts.

Just saying.

I have never hidden my name, but since people have shown up at my child’s school, called my employer, and told me that I should kill myself (just yesterday!) I don’t always think it is a good idea to advertise who and where I am.

If you are interested in research, I would be absolutely delighted to share with you the data that is coming out about early implantation and spoken language outcomes.

The AAP ARTICLE (not research) was a series of letters with the opinions of individuals.

Miss Kat never tried to break her CI, so I have no idea what you are talking about. We often have conversations about whether or not she is interested in taking ASL classes or going to this camp or that. She is 13. She makes her own decisions about those things. We have not once stopped attending Deaf community events. I continue to interpret for a Deaf individual at our church. She is still around deaf and Deaf people.

I know that many deaf children seek out ASL as adults. I (and no one I have ever met) have never denied that. I do know plenty who do not as well. There are 3 in my Masters program right now. 3 deaf adults who use cochlear implants and are choosing to become listening and spoken language teachers of the deaf.

some great points here, and hats off to Kats Mom for providing a courageous opposition – the standard is high. here’s the deal…

AGBell is Against Parent Choice. AGBell does not want you to choose, they want to convince you that there is just one option. AGBell does not want children to be deaf they want them to be hearing.

In the difficult debate between the ‘Child’s Right to Language vs. Parent Choice’, I’m with the kids – but AGBell takes an extreme position and fights against both the parent’s and child’s best interests by promoting devices & elocution-training as the only option. one option – that’s not a choice.

AGBell is Against Parent Choice.

Yes it’s true, very young children that have the money and wish to get COchlear Implants do grow up hearing and speaking nicely. The problem is, parents have to fight insurances for the implants and not all are good candidates! I work in the school system as an interpreter. We get children with absolutely no language! Now the first 3 years of life we acquire language then we just build on that language after that! If a child doesn’t have the opportunity of acquiring a language the first 3 years, then that child is already behind on language which puts them behind in reading which puts them behind in all areas in school! I’m not saying they can’t catch up but it’s difficult! 90 % of hearing parents with a child that us Deaf will not learn to sign exactly for the reasons in the article because that’s what the hearing community thinks. Not all are going to have perfect speech and hearing as a child born hearing! Yes technology has come a long way but it must be started at birth, not 3 years later! Also…what about the statistics regarding children that are hearing learning to sign before they can talk? Gee, calmer as they can communicate with hands before their tongue can form words, IQ 10 points higher than hearing that never signed, as well as giving a hunger to learn more of the language! ASL is finally recognized as a second language for most colleges now! Why not give your child the most opportunity for success? Maybe ASL is their open door, don’t close it. They can be given both in Total Communication!

I don’t see anyone arguing against language access. There is just disagreement about what kind of language access. A cochlear implant allows a young child to have access to all the sounds of conversational spoken language, even at soft levels. That would allow a child access to the fluent language of their home and community.

Others argue that the family should learn a new language and provide access to visual language for the child. Unfortunately, data shows that children who are given impoverished language models (being taught a first language that their family doesn’t know fluently) actually have worse outcomes than a child taught the home language.

Could you provide source of specific data about improverished language models actually have worse outcomes?

And this one is specifically about deaf kids:

“Maternal communication skill proved to be a more
significant indicator for both language development,
early reading skills, and social-emotional development.
Mothers who demonstrated better communication
skill with their children had children with higher language
and reading scores and less behavior problems,
after controlling for hearing loss”

miss kat’s mom – it is very easy to find out your real name so continually signing off with your own daughter’s name because its to perilious for u to sign off with ur own is very QUESTIONABLE on your part

re: someone calling and threatening – you NOT COOL at all. very wrong. ive gotten that bs too. some folks dont understand how to hand disagreements on the internet and lash out however they can. very wrong and im sorry that has happened to u.

in terms of the protest at ur daughter’s school – it was not BECAUSE OF YOU. take it easy there. your hubris is really showing. it was because of ORALISM and AUDISM and the exclusionary methods employed there of

re: your daughter trying to break her CI – you had a post up of how she had tied up her CI to her bed post to the point of almost destroying it. maybe she was just playing but there are oodles and oodles of true stories of Deaf children finding creative ways to destroy their FM system, body aids, hearing aids, and CI.

re: the American Academy of Pediatrics – it is an ACTUAL position they are taking in favor of bilingualism for Deaf children and it is research based. Careful careful mom.

deceit is not sweet

in terms of opinions – u would have to go to ms. sugar – aka ag bell’s president if u want to see a bunch of posting that are opinion based parading as fact

the AG Bell academy aint even a real academy

re: u know some folks with CI who reject ASL. big deal i know TONS who embrace it and wish they had it as pups and these are the “successes”

what about all the folks for which the CIs dont work – they still have lemons they still have complications they still have failures

not cool mom – not cool at all. we should care for everybody – not just ur pals

sometimes your callousness creeps me out – like when miss kat was throwing up and rebelling and screaming and crying against her 2nd ci

i know i know u worked through it. just like i know that rachel of CI on-line fame’s mom used to have to sit on top of her to get her to put on her cis

you totally know that AG Bell’s OVER reaction to the wee bitty write up about nyle’s and ASL was wrong and filled with a bigotry against ASL and Deaf culture and ur coming her to defend their actions does not bode well despite your interpreting for Deaf folks in church.

have a good day M

peace – patti

Now you are just making things up. My daughter never tried to destroy her CI. That isn’t even almost true. My blog is wide open, feel free to link over to this supposed post.

And no, the people showing up at my child’s school didn’t have anything to do with me, but that doesn’t make it less scary. People have threatened me, my child (with kidnapping) and no, I don’t like it.

You are accusing me of being dishonest when you are telling straight up lies about me and my child. She never “threw up”, she never “tried to destroy” her CI. She disliked the second CI for about a week, until she got used to the sound.

mom i have no desire to go to your place and look around for that old post about her tying up her CI to her bed post nor about her vomiting or nearly vomiting and having to miss school when you started the 2nd ci

i aint making things up. it was hard to stomach the first time reading that stuff – i aint going back their to find it again.

me points remain – many folks grow up to keep using ci and speech but still very much want to be part of the Deaf ASL world and many folks grow up to toss their CIs and to stop all that speaking and listening stuff to be ASL English bilingual people

its true – nothing u can do about that and Ms. Sugar don’t even mention that now did she? odd eh?

and M you really found a small group of folks holding up peaceful signs and signing ILY in front of your daughter’s school terrifying?

gosh and wow

and now we return us to the point of this thread – not u mom and your parenting but rather the organization and its president and their bigotry which you are unfortunately defending – tis a pity MKM.

check out the letter to ms. sugar by the gallaudet student that is FILLED with cited studies – see amy’s latest post from the buff and blue

knowledge IS power

peace – Miss Z and N’s mom – AKA patti durr

As an oral Deaf person till the age of 19 learned ASL at Gallaudet, it was my desire to tell the world by writing this book, MindField, a thriller book about how the
USA government with help of the AGBell lobbyist leads to rectify deafness without American Sign Language after 3 million people became deaf by the terrorist virus. Many hearing ASL students love this book!. Available at Gallaudet bookstore and Amazon.

Not new to Deaf World since AGB’s and EMG’s theories for almost 100 years!
(AGB – Alexander Graham Bell; EMG – Edward Miner Gallaudet)

Who cares?? TMZ says who cares it! They’re says Nyle DiMarco who can’t Latin Dancing experiences! Because of he is disobeyed following theirs rules. Now, He’s failed it. They’re says he shall be eliminates any of this ASAP.

sopranos92 ..omg! Trash talk AGBell not Nyle! You need to read carefully before you say something on this blog. Let me educate you something loser.. Nyle is smart young man who knows how to find a way to the top and makes $$$ & use that $$ to contribute ASL & Deaf children, in comparison with you, omg ..a self-centered loser and a narrow minded who cannot accept the fact that Nyle is on the way to stardom which he’s very much will be and deserve it as well.. what’s more.. Nyle is a biggest role model toward Deaf children so therefore they will be very much success just like Nyle and again in comparison with you.. a sore loser with a very narrow minded who cannot accept the fact that our Deaf children is on the way to stardom too. I loathe you sopranos92 omg!

OMG!!! To AGBell I was born profoundly deaf and grew up at deaf school … I want to share this about “ME”…. I wore body aid till high school and I wore behind ear all my life till I was 40 years old. I decided to get the CI and I’m happy with it… I can hear environmental sounds and enjoy listen to music! And just let u know that I am still identity as deaf with or without CI.. ASL is my world, make my life easier to access communication!! I DISAGREE for the newborn to have CI surgery because deaf children can sign language at early age before babies speak the first word with their visual!!!! Seriously U decided for the parents deaf children to get the CI and it’s not fair for the kids to make their own choice when they grow up to understand. What wrong with hearing aid first and not the surgery!! I have 18 months old hearing granddaughter and she learned the first language is sign language and its SOOOOO AWESOME for me to know what she wants or need!!! U AGBell people need to back off with your lack of acknowledgeable about ASL!! The ASL is beautiful!!!!!! I love all deaf people a whole world.. God create the deaf people and use ASL for purpose! Peace out!

Let me to tell you.. There is ongoing persecuted actions by AGB since Milan Conference happened in 1888. Feeble minded Politicians who got all wrong informations about Deaf Education. AGB won its several battles on pedagogy of Oralism, and eliminating deaf teachers who could not meet qualifications. The one criteria of qualification requires to perform oral during classrooms. Again, there was forbidden to use sign language in the classrooms.

My native language is ASL. I m from fourth generation of deaf families. I call this one as cultural genocide. AGB’s accountability on failing education already happened nowadays. It indicates 40 years span of AG Bell’s pedagogy. They gave wrong messages to politicians. The AGB’s mission mainly focuses on Education.

Now, they are trying to find alternate ways to say how to improve the language development by using LSL approach. This message comes into falsification. AGB dares to make lobbying it. AGB recruits attorneys and medical professionals to support this doctrine. Let me to tell you all again… It does not work at all if they solely support LSL, not using sign language for early infants & toddlers. STOP to give any false hopes as well AGB already attempted.

[…] This project was transpired from infamous Meredith Sugar’s open letter to Washington Post on April 1st. This open letter was posted on Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing’s website. As of today, this letter was never published in Washington Post. For more information, please read my blog entry about this infamous letter. […]

[…] The Sugar’s “open letter” caused an uproar nationalwide and caused a great dismay from politically savvy Deaf Community. This is not the first time that AG Bell tried to intervene or belittles American Sign Language, and you can read more here. […]

Miss Kats Mom,
I honestly agree with you. I did not, nor do I see any “belittling” or “discriminating” against Nyle, or his achievements. I personally think you made the right choice getting your daughter a CI. You were and still are trying to give her the best life possible, whether she chooses the deaf culture or hearing culture. (I won’t get started on how ingrained in idiocy the notion that the two have to be labeled as “cultural”)
I applaud your decisions, who reminds me of my own mothers decisions. I am a deaf man who was implanted at 17 (OF MY OWN VOLITION) I do wish this technology would have been available when I was younger. My being born deaf has shaped me, of that, there is no doubt, but I did have to endure more difficult challenges than those who could hear, and still do to this day. I know both cued speech and ASL. Where it is my opinion that CS is much more beneficial to deaf children, getting a CI grants them even more opportunities and less challenges than any of the above. To me, it is no different than giving a blind person glasses so they can see. I don’t see a blind culture out there, nor do I know of any blind person who calls getting glasses “a hate crime”. I have walked in the shoes of a deaf person and a hearing person, the “hearing” shoes are more comfortable by a large margin.
You guys are entirely too sensitive and defensive when it comes to improving quality of life through technological advances that “invade” your bubble. I’m sure many of you will comment that I am “brainwashed”, to that, I would say you are just as brainwashed by the deaf bubble and to isolate yourself from the majority of the world is moronic to say the least.
You have your own opinions, just as I do but it is not your, or anybody’s call to decide whether or not a deaf child should be implanted or not. It is their parents….period. The child can decide whether or not to keep the CI later on (remember? The volume control thing???)

Hey AG Bell ….

can you read between my fingers? of course you CAN ! so F**K YOU!

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