American Society for Deaf Children Responds to AG Bell!


This may bit little late, but it is worthy to be published on my blog for historical purposes.

On April 5, 2016, the American Society for Deaf Children (ASDC) as the oldest national organization founded and governed by parents of Deaf Children wrote a letter to Meredith Sugar of Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf.

Please click the letter here.

Here are the excerpts of this letter:

You claim to be “dispelling myths about deafness.” In our view, AG Bell continues to provide misleading and harmful information to the public and especially to parents, about deafness and Deaf people. AG Bell refuses to acknowledge that thousands of Deaf individuals, who have been raised by parents influenced by AG Bell policies, are themselves now against AG Bell policies.


AG Bell has a long history of parading stories reflecting a small percentage of children who hear and speak very well. In most cases, their childhood years were full of visits to medical appointments and hours and hours of speech therapy. In reality, the ability to speak or hear does not define the success of Deaf individuals nor is it a reflection of their intelligence. Nyle DiMarco is a prime example of this. And there are plenty of individuals like him whom parents of Deaf children should be educated about, and AG Bell ought to embrace this truth and add this fact to their message.

Well said, ASDC!

Amy Cohen Efron

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