Vancouver Congress 2010 – MEDIA COVERAGE!

Pah! Pah! Pah! Pah!

Finally, The Vancouver Observer newspaper wrote an article about International Congress on the Education of the Deaf (also known as Vancouver Congress 2010) in Vancouver, British Columbia in a week of July 18 – 22nd.

As we all know that on July 19, 2010 – Vancouver Congress made an historical announcement that they rejected Milan Congress 1880’s edicts banning sign language in schools. Vancouver Congress acknowledged and sincerely regret that it had happened, and they wrote up an accord for “The New Era” to respect sign languages all over the world.

Kristina Campbell, the reporter wrote a great article. To read this article, click here. and this article aptly titled as “Don’t Ban Sign Language’ Says Deaf Community at Vancouver Congress.”

Thank you, The Vancouver Observer and Kristina Campbell for an excellent media coverage to the most significant historical event!

Amy Cohen Efron

P.S. For more ‘personal’ account from a participant who attended Vancouver Congress 2010 with insider information… go to Shel Potma’s blog, A Deaf Canadian with her excellent vlog series about her perspectives. These vlogs comes with English transcription. Visit her blogsite here. Hat tip to Shel! GREAT JOB!

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2 comments on “Vancouver Congress 2010 – MEDIA COVERAGE!

[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by DeafRead, Amy Cohen Efron. Amy Cohen Efron said: Check out my blog about the official media coverage on Vancouver Congress 2010 […]

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