Celebrity Apprentice Prediction : Matlin HIRED!


This is my prediction. A mere speculation. I tell you why I came into this conclusion.

Donald Trump is back with his Celebrity Apprentice (Season Four) reality show. He selects 16 celebrities, 8 men and 8 women, including Marlee Matlin. These celebrities are not in for a job with Trump, they are working towards a greater goal to raise the most money for their favorite charity. The final winner will deliver a $250,000 bonus check to their designated charity.

Basically, it is about raising money and awareness of their causes.

Marlee is one of the 16 candidates, and she is representing Starkey Hearing Foundation. , and according to this website, Matlin stated:

“I have been a friend and supporter of the Starkey Hearing Foundation for about eight years now and believe whole-heartedly in their work to bring the gift of hearing to those who would normally not have access to this level of hearing care, which is essential for one to realize their true and full potential.”

I’m NOT going to discuss about Matlin’s choice of charity or discussing about ‘the gift of hearing’. That is not the purpose of this blog entry.

This is about my prediction.

I think Marlee Matlin may have won the top spot at Celebrity Apprentice.

Please see the short video clip below, and it is Bill Austin, the CEO of Starkey Hearing Foundation receiving a check of one million dollars.

I did some research and found that previous Celebrity Apprentice shows, the highest amount raised was done by Piers Morgan with $754,300 dollars. There was no mention of previous Celebrity Apprentice ever raised one million dollars.

Celebrity Apprentice already filmed first 10 out of 11 episodes, and the 11th one will be aired live in May, 2011.

On March 13th, Marlee flew to Kenya/Uganda with Bill Austin. The press release mentioned,

Led by Bill Austin, Chief Executive Officer, Starkey Hearing Laboratories, and Founder, Starkey Hearing Foundation, a team of audiologists, hearing professionals and staff will visit schools for the deaf, hospitals and communities in Mombasa, Kisumu, and Nairobi (Kenya); Kampala and Gulu (Uganda); Ruhengeri and Kigali (Rwanda); Bujumbura (Burundi); Pemba Island; and Zanzibar (Tanzania). Joining them throughout the journey, will be Marlee Matlin, a long-time Starkey Hearing Foundation supporter and featured cast member of this season’s The Celebrity Apprentice (NBC)

Meanwhile, two weeks ago, Marlee flew to New York City to give a roast to Donald Trump. It was recorded on March 9, 2011, and airdate was March 15, 2011.

Marlee said to Donald Trump, “Boss”.

Is it a coincidence or simply connecting the dots which Marlee may be the one who got HIRED by Donald Trump?

If my prediction comes true, and that will give the mass audience a huge lesson that Deaf people CAN raise funds and they are capable to do the jobs BETTER than anyone!

Kudos to Marlee Beth Matlin for being a trailblazer as always!

Amy Cohen Efron

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6 comments on “Celebrity Apprentice Prediction : Matlin HIRED!

Thank Amy…
I been follow this tv show and look forward to what Matlin has become?…

I have the same prediction just based on the Donald Trump Roast. Marlee said at the end of her roasting “It’s not every day somebody gets a boss like you”. I thought just the fact that she was invited to be one of the roasters was a huge clue, but when she said that I was like “She won!”. Your clip above pretty much confirms it. I’d be shocked if you’re wrong.

Looks like we’ll have a legend of our own–a young actress winning an academy award, a lot of roles, and now master fundraiser. So that she doesn’t become a prophet without honor in her own homeland (community), let’s see a massive handwaving across the nation for her when we learn the news officially.

Instead of sitting on her laurels and smiling for one year wearing a crown, Marlee has worked hard and when she became internationally famous, still used her sign language and an interpreter in her roles for all to see. No matter what charity she supports, that alone is terrific for the rest of us.

i noticed the same thing on the roast of trump…as well as her being the only contestant to appear on the roast on and off the stage…….i do believe she was the winner and that it was a major mistake to show the roast so soon…..but im sure comedy central wasnt about to wait so long to air there biggest ratings booster yearly to keep the secrecy of another rival tv station!

[…] Celebrity Apprentice Prediction : Matlin HIRED! – Deaf World as … […]

Marlee Matlin wins… She slipped at the TRUMP Roast and calls him her new boss.

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