CNN: The Irony!

The Irony! The Irony! has a major headline focusing on ‘sound’ which is on the front page. It comes with a video and an article. See the image below:

This video source is from TED website. TED is a small nonprofit devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading. It started out (in 1984) as a conference bringing together people from three worlds: Technology, Entertainment, Design. and their website address is and to learn bit more about the history how TED was formed, click here.

Did you know that there are several videos featured on are subtitled? Yes, indeed.

Below is an original video source from Julian Treasure who is the speaker discussing about ‘sound’. This video has subtitles. Go and watch it for yourself, make sure you click “subtitles” button, and pick English.

Now, CNN used the SAME video, but stripped away the captions from the original video source! I am unable to embed the video from CNN, and I snapped a video that does not come with subtitles. I searched everywhere to turn on the subtitles. There are none. Go to the link where you can play the video on site.


That is ARROGANCE of CNN, and this kind of action is definitely SNUBBING the deaf and hard of hearing viewers who wishes to watch videos online!



CNN cannot continue using other website’s sources and strip away captions/subtitles like this!

We cannot let CNN get away from this!

CNN cannot do this to TED which worked so hard making their videos accessible for all of us!


We need to write a complaint to CNN about this. Click the image below to submit a complaint.

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6 comments on “CNN: The Irony!

[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Andrew Imparato, Amy Cohen Efron. Amy Cohen Efron said: CNN: The Irony! Stripped subtitles from TED video and featured this video on their website! #cnn #cnnireport […]

Thanks, Amy, for the alert. I filed my complaint to CNN, fyi. 🙂

Thank you Darren! Pass this information to your friends. CNN needs to stop being arrogant by borrowing other sources’ videos with subtitles, and strip them down to feature on their website. It is so wrong. All of the work and effort for to add subtitles, and then bammo, CNN just removed them.

So wrong! So wrong!

I sent the form, too, pointedly remarking that they were leaving out more than ten percent of the population by stripping captions off their videos and that it was now illegal thanks to the 21st Century Act.

Probably they will ignore it, as they have many previous letters. As a corporation they aren’t sensitive at all.

Thank you Dianrez! Please spread the word to your friends about this. It is simply wrong for CNN to use this video from that comes with subtitles, and yet, CNN stripped them out before featuring on their website. It has nothing to do with video formats. It is an arrogance of their part.

Thanks, Amy, for the alert. I filed my complaint to CNN, fyi. 🙂

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